
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland

Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland


Sha Rizel likes to stay slim and shapely, so exercise is a big part of her life. Since Scoreland knows she has naturally large breasts (we call it stacked), Sha keeps in shape with some yoga and stretching because keeping her tummy flat but her butt nice and thick takes hard work.

Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland
Sha Rizel Slim and Shapely Scoreland

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